2019-10-29 - They Served Brandolyn Red!
2019-11-05 - They Served Brandolyn Red part 2
2019-11-12 - Frozen in Time!
2020-03-20 - Sailors on the Starless Sea
2020-03-21 - Sailors on the Starless Sea
2020-03-21 - Hole in the Sky (Niklas) Amanda
2020-09-06 - Sour Spring Hollow
3 people died to the Gardinel, two more to murder-dolls. Cleverly fished out the holy symbol from the well using a grappling hook.
• Found the spear that kills the titan, Cloey took it
2021-01-10 - Portal Under the Stars • Ralph ○ Pech T-Bone ○ WoodyWood Peter - killed Sssisuraaag ○ Weak Farm Bob - RIP ○ Romaine Bertiner • Noelia ○ Fruity - RIP ○ Wagonator ○ Canowicakte - RIP ○ Redneck • Jonas ○ Gypsy Jim - RIp ○ Alchemist Gino ○ Clairvoyant Callie ○ Forester Myles • Lindsey ○ Beggar Bill ○ Guardian Katherine ○ Minstrel Marvin ○ Morina the Elf
2021-01-10 - Portal Under the Stars • Johannes ○ Soldjaboi ○ Commander Data ○ Fancy Nancy - dead ○ Hackerman ○ Laser Raptor • John ○ Quite Dodge ○ Hammered - killed Ssisuuuraaag ○ Armless Gypsy - DEAD ○ Spoons n Knives ○ Uweman trapper
2021-01-24 - Hole in the Sky • Kyle ○ Enmel Legrove - died, was resurrected in place of Nabona ○ Sadita Legrove ○ Unilsit Paleah the Many ○ Nazzabi Heywood ○ Tenaba Hafeld (RIP) ○ Nabona Earsbluff (RIP) ○ Nabilu Sepool(RIP) • Guillaume ○ Stonemason Sara (was originally Jonas's character - resurrected by the wheel) ○ Asta Treem - carries Titansbane ○ Narder Long - died, was resurrected in Audryn's place ○ Pards Heppa - RIP ○ Enryn Freeman - RIP ○ Audryn Shep - RIP ○ Gilmithire Freeman - RIP ○ Berga Brix - RIP • Jonas ○ Steve Sonius - has the magical whetstone ○ Stonemason Sara - RIPish - resurrected to Guillaume ○ Apocthecarist Albert ○ Blacksmith Brian (retired) ○ Famer Fritz (RIP) ○ Farmer Felix ○ Noble Neha • Outcome ○ Titan still lives
2021-01-30 - Portal Under The Stars • Michael ○ Friedman ○ Milton ○ Jordan RIP ○ Tony RIP ○ Blair • SK ○ Anya RIP ○ Bhagnami RIP ○ Raphael ○ Cornelius ○ Johnny • Lisa ○ Henry ○ Enwen - took the demonic horn ○ Theo ○ Beau RIP ○ Donald RIP
2021-01-31 - Sailors on the Starless Sea (Rantlar) • Mathilde ○ Cassandra ○ Pluto ○ Nico RIP ○ Mysterious Shadow RIP ○ Jaba the Hen • Ghonche ○ Grohl ○ Dortha ○ Mitch ○ Moliva - Pledged to Chaos ○ Ginger Spice RIP • Jonas ○ Jasper ○ Filip ○ Ecix - survived the attack by the tentacle monster ○ Genevieve ○ Gammidg • Markus ○ Wilfred - pledged to Chaos ○ Daedalus ○ Sam ○ Chandler Bing - RIP - killed by the Chaos lord ○ Balda • Yasmin ○ Mundugus ○ Bamba - took the Chaos Lord's Axe ○ Mako ○ Brian McSheep ○ Harvey • Outcome: ○ Found the crypt chamber, went down that way, took the axe. Chandler Bing killed Mysterious Shadow under the Hate curse. Chandler impersonated the Chaos Lord, who then struck him down ○ Chaos Lord was killed, they escaped as the cavern collapsed.
2021-02-12 - Brandolyn Red Part 1 2021-02-20 - Part 2 • Present ○ Lindsey § Taranath Whitegrass § Siora Whitegrass § Rosé Vintner § Doppelbock Vintner (RIP) ○ Jonas § Leoric Leddy § Melusine (RIP) § Aoric Leddy (RIP) § Talida Whitegrass ○ Michael § Ælanis § Nicolas Leddy § Gokhal § John Leddy (RIP) ○ Noelia § Kleine § Flexible § Aristocrazy Dragontear § Shameful Dragontear (RIP) • Outcome ○ Returned the bones to Lotrin, but kept the affair secret ○ Sold bottle of Brandolyn Red to Lotrin, plus gave him letters + locket ○ Rescued Frezzo Leddy from Samhain ○ Lotrin said he would pay all his wealth if the party could track down Madrog for him
Party suspicious of what happened to Dorthala